21501 Apply to All 21502 Please use 'A' to 'Z', '0' to '9', or '_'. 21503 Please use [A-Z][0-9][!\"%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?] 21504 The required file name is 8.3 format 21505 Information Window 21506 Error 21507 Warning 21508 Info 21509 total %3d min %2d secs. remaining %3d min %2d secs\n 21510 Clear 21511 Close 21512 Save Log... 21513 RichText File 21514 Cancel 21515 General 21516 Details 21517 Build 21518 Simulation 21519 Import 21520 Export 21521 Failed to write to log file. 32771 Up One Level\nUp One Level 32772 Cut\nCut 32773 Copy\nCopy 32774 Paste\nPaste 32775 Delete\nDelete 32776 Properties\nProperties 32777 Large Icons\nLarge Icons 32778 Small Icons\nSmall Icons 32779 List\nList 32780 Details\nDetails